Serving the World Wide Web
Fine Timepieces
and Jewelry

Serving the Watch and Jewelry Community since 1983


Vigor catalog of tools and parts is available for $5.00
plus $2.50 shipping and handling

We maintain a large stock of new and used vintage and modern parts and tools. From Accutron to Zodiak.

If you are able to identify parts by caliber, part name and/or factory number, we would like to help you. Home hobbiests and amatures who are unable to name parts or identify movements correctly, should try elsewhere.

Our parts business is a seperate company and is paid seperatly. We are unable to accept credit cards for small purchases. We recommend setting up a decreasing credit account or individual item payment. A decreasing credit type account is where we receive a credit of say $50.00.

Say you email an order for a Hamilton 992B balance staff, we ship the order and deduct $3.00 for the staff plus $1.00 for shipping and handling. Your new credit balance is $46.00.

Any account inactive for 90 days automaticlly receives a refund for the remaining balance.

Anyone unhappy with our services or finding a new vendor shall receive an immediate refund less any disputed charges until disputed charges are resolved.
NOTE!!!!! We are unable to supply any genuine Rolex material,
we stock a good supply of quality aftermarket materials.

Thank You - Ron Rogers

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Rogers' Fine Timepieces
12049 124th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
Hours: 10:30am-2:30pm Tuesday-Saturday
(all times are Pacific Time)